Thursday, August 27, 2009

Only Light

The frigid air biting at my bare toes.
The rough pavement scratching at my feet.
The wind slapping against my face.
Every few miles I look back.
Wondering: Will they miss me, will they know I left?
My legs begin to ache.
I sit by a shop window.
Eventually I fall asleep.
I dream of tall flowers in a field of green grass.
Butterflies and bees buzz around.
Deer prancing and playing.
Bear cubs taking their first steps.
I hear the rushing water over rocks.
Then the lighting clashes.
I wake up to the real world.
A world of darkness.
A world where I am alone.
There are no fields of green grass.
Bu if I close my eyes, I can go there to my world.
I can run my hands through the green grass.
The breeze blowing through my hair.
There is no dark.
Only light.